Issues & Dependencies over DAG:
- Multiple servers & Recovery Commands increases complexity
- No access to old data (only send & receive function is enabled for emails)
- Dependency over Active Directory, Configuration Files, Lag files etc
- Need to re-configure server settings & reset account
Steps for Running Exchange DAG Recovery for 2013 & 2010 Edition
Read the manual procedure to restore data of a DAG member using powershell scripts.
- Make sure server is live, all internal services are running correctly
- Remove the entire server from the DAG. If server to be removed is permanently offline then use Configuration Only parameter to avoid errors.
- Reset the server’s computer account in AD and re-install Exchange by running following script: setup /m:recoverserver
- Once the Setup recovery process finishes, then add the newly recovered server to DAG.
The aforementioned steps explain the process to recover Exchange 2010 dag member (server) and place it back into the same DAG by setting up credentials (name & IP).
How Software Restores All Data Easily from a Failed DAG!
Advanced software runs a server-independent mechanism to restore mailbox components from DAG member. The only pre-requirement is EDB files (database copies of particular member). Software directly restores mailboxes data from EDB file to overcome network failure, server crashes, service failure and database-level corruption.